Accu-Tuner Training DVDs
EXPLORING THE SAT (Coleman-Defebaugh): This DVD is a step-by-step living manual for using the Sanderson Accu-Tuner. Learn by watching the visual/electronic tuning techniques as described in the SAT Operating Manual. (1 hour 50 minutes) Price List.
AURAL AND VISUAL TUNING (Coleman-Defebaugh):A training DVD which highlights some of the expert methods for using the SAT. The tape shows the equivalent aural techniques and checks as compared with visual/electronic tuning techniques used with the SAT. (1 hour 40 minutes) Price List.
BALDASSIN - SANDERSON TEMPERAMENT VIDEO:Jim Coleman, Sr. has recorded a training DVD demonstrating the aural tuning temperament created by Rick Baldassin and Al Sanderson. Jim liked the temperament that Rick Baldassin and Albert Sanderson worked out so well that he taped himself tuning and explaining it as he goes along.
This is an important ability for electronic tuners not just to pass the PTG tuning exam, but for quality control and aural improvement of your electronic tuning results as well. Inventronics is recommending and carrying his tape, "Tuning the Baldassin-Sanderson Temperament." This tape will reinforce the sequence used to logically set a temperament on even the most difficult pianos.We also offer a free copy of written tuning instructions for this new temperament. Price List.